The Ins and Outs of Chain Saw Blades Complete Guide

Do you want to know all about chain saw blades? From choosing the right size to sharpening and replacing them, this guide will provide an in-depth look at everything you need to know.

Get ready to learn the ins and outs of chain saw blades so you can tackle your next DIY project with confidence.


When it comes to getting the job done right, having the right equipment is essential. Chain saw blades are no exception; they are designed specifically for cutting through different materials while still providing powerful performance.

The type of blade you choose will depend on what kind of material you need to cut and how quickly you want to complete the job. This guide will outline the different types of blades available and explain the purpose behind each one, offering crucial information for anyone looking to purchase a chain saw blade for their next project.

lanation of the importance of chain saw blades

Chain saw blades are the foundation of your chain saw’s success, so understanding the various types, how they function and how to care for them is essential for any user. The chain saw blade is a rotating loop of steel teeth joined to a metal drive link that links the blade together and spins it when engaged with the motor. Depending on what job you are doing, different types of blades are available to best suit your needs. When considering which type of chainsaw blade you should use, there are several factors to consider such as size, design and purpose.

Pitch refers to the distance between two adjacent cutting teeth on a chain saw blade and describes its size category. Pitch categories include 3/8-inch pitch, .325-inch pitch and 3/4-inch pitch; choose the larger ones if doing heavier work or cutting thicker wood while smaller sizes work better for lighter jobs or finer cuts.

The individual links that join together this loop called cutters come in both chisel cut and semi-chisel cut profiles, which refers to the number of contact points between each cutter on a given blade in relation to its design angle. Chisel shaped teeth have one point of contact per tooth along their length which offers cleaner cuts with less effort but at greater risk for breakage due to their sharper profile; semi-chisel has two points of contact per tooth along their length which offers more strength but requires more effort than chiseled cutters without wear protection from heat buildup during operation due to lower angles being applied during cutting. Both types can be used depending on what type of work is needed but semi chisel works better with dirty material while chisels offer smoother cuts in clean lumber or softer materials like plastics or aluminum alloys.

Anti kickback features can be found built into many chain saw blades now that regulate the speed at which it contacts wood and helps reduce kickback injuries often seen with fast spinning blades contacting slightly warped wood or irregular surfaces that contain knots can cause unexpected rotational force when run too quickly in these conditions. Knowing what kinds of woods you will commonly be working with can help you determine whether look for an anti kickback feature.

Overview of the topics that will be covered in the guide

This guide will provide an introduction to the purpose and principles of chain saw blades, followed by a detailed overview of the types and sizes of chain saw blades commonly used.

The guide will also offer an understanding of how to choose a blade type, size, and gauge for your specific cutting needs. Additionally, we’ll discuss basic maintenance tips for keeping your chain saw blade in top condition and how sharpening works for maximum cutting efficiency.

Finally, we’ll cover safety guidelines for use of your chain saw. With this information, you’ll be well-equipped to confidently select and use the best chain saw blade for each job.

Blade Components

The chain saw blade consists of several components which play a role in determining performance. Understanding the anatomy of the saw chain allows you to better select and maintain your saw chain to optimize performance.

Cutting Teeth: As the sections of chain pass around the drive sprocket, links pull down on each tooth cutting into the workpiece. Each tooth has a sharp, pointed tip that cuts with each downward movement and a face that removes chips and shavings on the return stroke. The rake angle of the tooth (degree to which it is sharpened) affects how it penetrates into cut material. A low-angle tooth, like those found on ripping chains, cut aggressively but require frequent maintenance due to their tendency to dull quickly. Semi-chisel, chisel and skip chains offer relatively more durability but require more power for effective penetration.

Ties Straps: Links connected by ties straps form each link section of a full loop chain saw blade. These are important components for preventing kickback when cutting as longer straps mean fewer irregularities in rotation during kickback situations.

Guide Bar Rails: Guide bar rails determine factors like wear rate and speed when cutting softwoods or hardwoods combined with softwoods. Softwood composite guide bars are ideal for general-purpose use while [hardwood composite guide bars offer greater stability when cutting dense hardwoods or extremely hard woods](https://jeffsauceforgellc/.com/products/). They also provide sufficient resistance against warping at high temperatures or after prolonged use without becoming worn out quickly due to heat or mechanical stressors.

Chain Links

The use of a chain saw is primarily for cutting and trimming trees. The power from the motor is transferred to the unit’s sprocket which turns the chain around. The teeth on the chain links make contact with the wood, creating a cut. These teeth have to be sharp in order to make efficient and clean cuts.

Chain links (or drive links) are what hold each cutter together and give it stability while it’s in the wood. Each link has two side plates connected with rivets at either side, and has two different sizes—one small tooth and one large tooth that’s set at an angle halfway between the two plates. The difference between these sizes helps create an angled cut as opposed to a straight line. As these chains need replacing more often than other parts of your saw, they come in various shapes and sizes depending on what type of material you plan on cutting or trimming.

The size of the links will be marked on both plates, which can then be used when selecting replacements for your saw blade—with measurements ranging from .043 inches–1-8 inches (1–4mm). Most chains are delivered pre-assembled, but if you intend to sharpen your own blades you’ll need to disassemble them first by using a removable tool or simply using some strength by hand.


Cutter Teeth

Cutter teeth are what do the actual cutting. While the chain is mounted onto the guide bar, the chain is driven around it by a sprocket on the engine. The teeth move through wood faster than you can when cutting with an axe or saw, enabling you to work quickly and efficiently. Chain saw blades come with different numbers of teeth, known as pitch, to meet different needs in various types of cutting jobs requiring more power or a faster cut.

Common chain pitches—the number of drive links per inch—are:

-¼ inch pitch: This pitch provides the most aggressive cut and is designed for powerful saws over 70 cc used mainly in milling operations.

-The ⅜ inch pitch: This pitch is usually found on medium powered saws between 40 cc to 70 cc, and it’s great for all general purpose cutting needs like trimming small trees or pruning large limbs.

-The .404 inch pitch: This standard size fits nearly all consumer grade chainsaws and offers a good balance between power and speed for most home projects.

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Depth Gauge

The depth gauge of a chain saw blade is one of its essential components. It helps to ensure that the cutting surfaces of the saw’s teeth have enough clearance to prevent them from coming in contact with the wood. The depth gauge is typically adjusted to the manufacturer’s recommended setting and should not be altered unless it is absolutely necessary.

Correctly positioning the depth gauge ensures that each tooth on the chain saw blade is properly sharpened and that no excessive force or strain is placed on either component. In addition, when positioned correctly, it also helps to reduce friction and kickback while cutting, thus improving safety. To achieve optimal performance, a regular check-up should be done every couple hours or before any intensive cutting activity.

The depth gauge must also be maintained often and cleaned in order to remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated near it. This can help prevent a malfunctioning chain saw due to inadequate lubrication and proper functioning of its parts (which includes improving proper tracking). If any abnormalities are noticed during an inspection of the depth gauge, consultation with an expert technician should be sought immediately as it signals an issue caused by incorrect sizing or positioning which could lead to severe injury if left unchecked.


Drive Links

Drive Links are a crucial component in the chain blade of a chainsaw and they do a lot of the work while running. They are often referred to as “grippers,” because they keep the chain in place on the guide bar and help drive it forward.

Generally speaking, the more drive links your chain has, the faster it will cut. For example, a long chain with low pitch (1/4 inch) generally comes with fewer drive links than a short one with high pitch (3/8 inch). The lower pitch also means it will cut more slowly and take longer to do any given job. In order to ensure that your chainsaw works efficiently and effectively at all times, make sure you use chainsaw blades that have enough drive links for the size of the job.

When buying your own chain blade for your chainsaw, check how many teeth or links there are on the drive link component; then use this number as a reference point when comparing blades from different manufacturers or chainsaws. If you have any questions about what type of chain is best suited for your tasks or if you find yourself needing to make an adjustment to your saw due to wear, always contact a certified specialist who can safely adjust and maintain all types of chainsaws.

Blade Sizes and Gauges

Depending on the make and model of your chain saw, you may find several different sizes and gauges of blades available. To ensure that you purchase the right blade for your tool, it’s important to be familiar with what is offered. The size indicates how long each chain link is, while the gauge will tell you how thick each link should be.

Blade Sizes
When it comes to chain saws, longer blades are usually necessary for larger tools. The most common blade length options are 18”, 20”, 22” and 25”; however, some models offer 28″ or even larger chains as well.

Blade Gauges
Typically expressed on a numerical scale (where 0 is the thickest), blade gauges typically range from 0 to 4. Thinner blades (with higher numbers) are recommended for softer woods like pine or cedar because they provide more control compared to thicker versions that might be more suitable for hardwoods like oak and hickory. The right gauge option will depend on what type of wood you plan to cut with your saw.

Explanation of Chain Saw Blade Measurements

In order to determine the right chain saw blade for your needs, it’s important to understand some basics of blade measurement. Here are the most important measurements to consider before making your selection:

Gauge— The gauge is the thickness of the drive link and dictates how much power your saw can transfer to the blade. Generally, heavier gauges are better as they will stand up to more abuse and wear better than thinner ones.

Pitch— This measures the distance between each individual cutting tooth on a chain saw blade. Common pitches are 1/4″ and 3/8″ for standard blades, though other sizes may be available for specialized applications.

Length— The length of a blade relates directly to its cutting capacity – an 18” bar can usually cut bigger logs than a 14” bar, for example. It is important to match the length of your bar as accurately as possible so as not to over- or under-power your saw.

Teeth— The number of teeth is determined by dividing the number of inches in each cutting edge on a blade by two (e.g., 24 teeth would have 12 inches of cutting edge). Softer woods require fewer teeth while harder woods require more teeth per inch in order to achieve optimal performance.

Matching Blade Size and Gauge to Your Saw

When selecting the right chain saw blade, it is essential to determine the pitch of the blade to match your saw. Each saw model is designed to work with a specific pitch. In general, chain manufacturers denote this information by providing a number or letters representing the chain gauge and chain pitch. Below are explanations of common chainsaw gauge and pitch configurations:

Gauge: Refers to the thickness of a blade, typically expressed as 0.063 inch (1.5mm) for standard blades, but can range from 0.043 inch (1mm) for small top handle electric chainsaws up to .77 inches (20mm) for large gas powered saws. It’s important that you select a gauge that matches your specific saw model in order for it to fit properly and provide optimal performance and safety factors when in use.

Pitch : This measurement refers to the distance between drive links on a bar’s cutting surface face and is typically expressed in quarter-inches increments of 1/4”, 3/8” or 0.325”, although there are other sizes used as well including 3/16″, 4/8″ or 1/2“ variations used on certain applications such as carvings or masonry work involving stone cutting applications. To assess what size is correct for your saw, consult your product manual where you will find specifications that match your model type’s recommended blade type and size range measurements including pitch sizing options available with each blade series offered by various manufacturers..

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Before you purchase a new chain saw blade, it is important to take the time to consider the size, design and sharpening capabilities of the blade that best fit your needs.

Once you have identified which type of chain saw blade is best suited for your particular project, be sure to use it with proper safety precautions in mind. Always wear safety equipment when using a chain saw and always keep an eye on any potential hazards.

Taking a few extra moments to consider these useful tips will help you make an informed decision when purchasing a new or replacement chain saw blade. With the right knowledge and preparation, you can ensure that any project requiring a chain saw will be completed accurately and safely.


What is the difference in chainsaw blades? 

The difference in chainsaw blades is mainly based on the pitch, gauge, and number of teeth.

How do chainsaw blades work? 

Chainsaw blades work by rotating around a guide bar, which has a sprocket at one end. The teeth on the blade cut through wood as they rotate.

What is the correct way to put a chainsaw blade on? 

The correct way to put a chainsaw blade on is to ensure that the teeth are facing forward and the chain is properly tensioned.

What type of saw chain is best? 

The best type of saw chain depends on the application, but some common types are full chisel, semi-chisel, and low-profile.

What are the three types of saw blades? 

The three types of saw blades are rip-cut, crosscut, and combination blades.

What is the blade of a chainsaw called? 

The blade of a chainsaw is called the chain.

What angle are chainsaw blades?

Chainsaw blades typically have a cutting angle of around 30-35 degrees.

How many different types of chainsaw blades are there? 

There are many different types of chainsaw blades available, with variations in pitch, gauge, number of teeth, and other factors.

Which side of the blade to cut? 

The cutting edge of the chainsaw blade should face forward when cutting.

What is proper chainsaw tension? 

Proper chainsaw tension is when the chain is snug around the guide bar, but still able to be turned by hand.

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